Is My Face Shiny?

27 12 2011

“When Moses came down Mount Sinai carrying the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant, he wasn’t aware that his face had become radiant because he had spoken to the LORD.” (Ex. 34.29)

I love that picture. I have often wondered what Moses’ face actually looked like when he came off that mountain. And I have often wondered if my face looks the same when I soak in His presence. Glowing glory to the point of having to wear a covering so that the people around don’t get freaked out. But the last time I read this passage I had to ask…

How long did it last? Was Moses’ face shiny for the rest of his life? Or did the glory wear off with the stress and heartbreak of leading those stubborn people? Did the every-day grind of living in the desert and eating the mystery mana cause the shine to grow dull like old silver? Did the bickering of the women and children combined with the cowardess of the men cause Moses’ face to fall and heaviness to once more replace the brilliance?

At what point did the glow wear off and did Moses miss it?

I came home from G42 glowing. Confident in my identity, unafraid of the masses. Filled to overflowing and I knew it. I was excitedly ready to take on the world.

I’ve been home 3 months and I’m wondering… Is my face still shining? When I interact with those around me, am I still giving them the realities of God’s kingdom in my conversation and laughter and tears? Am I dripping His glory on others because I am so full?

I had a conversation with my sister last night about becoming a desert flower. Something beautiful that grows and thrives where it is dry and dusty and beauty is only seen with the right perspective. I have, in a very real sense, come from a tropical jungle to the desert. I have come from a place of being known in the Spirit and deeply loved, to a place of somewhat lonliness and definitely being misunderstood. So how will I react? Will I wear a veil so I’m understood better? Or will I adjust? Will I be willing to thrive and grow in beauty when I’m not getting as much water? Will I become a well that carries the reserves of Life so that others can drink from me?

Will I shine on unashamed?



5 responses

27 12 2011

Yes! A thousand times yes! You will continue to overflow with God’s good and gracious love! Keep on thriving because He is filling you! I love you!!

31 12 2011
becky m.

you glow annie rose, it’s who you are! although the desert is challenging season. it’s a growing one, and there is life that blooms there! despite the dryness, flowers bloom from cactus because there is water stored inside of them. you too have glory, the spirit of God and ‘the shine’ seeping from within you! check out deut8.

1 01 2012
Nate Evans

Wow. I have read a lot of blogs on transition and living back at home. But this was one captured the struggle, lessons, good and bad of it all. (Oh and good insight on Moses)

3 01 2012

Through this post, I can see your face shining all the way from Mijas…

Keep it up, Shiny.

10 01 2012
let your light SHINE

you are a shining star. you become radiant and brilliant as each day goes by. thank you for this beautiful post. you are such a light to me. love you a ton. soooo proud of you. 🙂

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