My God is the God Who Provides

10 06 2011


My God is extravagant. He is extravagant in His love. He does not hold back His heart from us… ever. He pours Himself out for  us. He poured out His life-blood so that we might live (Luke 22:20). He pours out His grace to us that we might know we belong to Him (Ephesians 1:6). He pours out His Holy Spirit that we might live our new life abundantly, no longer worrying about insecurities (Titus 3:6-7).

Yep! That’s my God.

I think I used to know that in my head, but I really thought that God was just stingy and did not want to give me any more than the bare minimum. When He asked me to travel to 11 countries in 11 months I thought He was just playing a joke on me. I thought He would let me get all excited about going and then at the last second He would pull the rug out from under me and I would be lost. That was my perspective of a God who even TELLS me… Hey! I know how to give good gifts! (Matthew 7:11)

Because of my mentality, whenever I got a good gift, like traveling to 11 countries in 11 months, I would hoard it. If I was given peace, (which I have been) I would try to keep it all inside of me so that I wouldn’t lose it. If there was joy in me that I knew was from God, I would try to figure out all the ways to keep it… and therefore I would lose it. 

So I tried my darndest to grasp for it again. I would read the same passage or poem I had read the day before or I would listen to the same song that gave me chills last week. I didn’t want to lose what God gave me. I didn’t know (deep in my being) that I am a daughter of the King of the Universe. So I thought I wouldn’t be provided for. It came out in my spending habits too. I wouldn’t keep track of how much I spent and would make purchases that were almost out of a fear that I didn’t have enough.

And then God started to talk. And as some of you know, when God speaks, life happens. (Hello all of creation!) He started in January by asking me if I would be willing to live like a person who is not in want. He asked me if I really believe what He says to me. And I started to change

I started to believe Him. It was slow at first. I would still fearfully grasp my gifts to myself at moments. Or I would foolishly spend my money, afraid that if I didn’t get a good deal now, I never would. But I started to peacefully see how He would let me go weeks hardly spending anything and how I was still happy. He would allow me to be filled even after I had poured out. 

I had started to believe that He cares for me. 


So I come to Spain, with a little cash in the bank and a big trust in my God to give me all that I need. And I’m laying on this rug in my room, the other day and it hits me. I have had 5 euro in my wallet for the last two weeks. I haven’t had to spend it and I’ve been completely content the whole time. HAHA! And I start to tear up because for the first time I recognize that I know the truth. I know that I know that I KNOW that my God takes care of me. In every way, He cares for me. So I will follow Him wherever He sends me!

As I am in Spain, I still have about $3800 left until I am completely supported. I know that God provides, and I know He uses His people in that process. So would you consider giving to this incredible training that I am receiving? Training for the rest of my life as I follow my God who gives extravagantly without holding back.

If you would like to give to my training at G42 simply insert the link and follow the directions. Be sure to specify it goes to Annie Rose Taylor. (If you don’t find the place to specify, they will respond to emails quite sufficiently.)

Be blessed and know that our God is good! 




3 responses

23 06 2011

Hmmm…I just love you and I am so proud of you. The Lord has a lot in store for Annie Rose Taylor.

23 06 2011

So thankful for you! I’m so glad to be the King’s daughter with you. Thankful for the times and ways God continues to provide!!

22 08 2011

Hi! You have an awesome God. Wish we could experience that. We have yet to learn to trust God. So, please pray for us.

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